It's a novel disease means a new disease, COVID-19 (co-corona vi-virus d- disease 19 as it was started in 2019).
The inner lining of our nose,mouth,trachea lungs consist of mucous membrane.This virus is airborne which causes respiratory illness, Any one can catch the virus through contaminated surfaces or by sneezing or coughing of an infected person.
Lungs are the basic tool to exchange deoxygenated blood into oxygenated blood, and when this portal of exchange of gases decreases, the oxygen in the lung decreases and carbon monoxide in the blood increases which is the main cause of DEATH.
There are two types of cells in lungs: Type 1 cells are the pneumocytes which are responsible for the exchange of gases, that is, inhale Oxygen and exhale Carbondioxide.
An average person can hold his breath for merely one to two minutes, while a sea diver can hold his breath upto 3-5 minutes. However the world record is approximately 15 minutes or more. Type 2 cells are surfactants those are the thin lining of cells, which covers the inner surface or lining of alveoli, to help it collaps and expand.

Corona virus lives on surfaces like plastic, paper, wood or metal upto few hours or couple of days.If a person comes in contact with these infected surfaces the said person could possibly get this virus by touching his nose mouth or face.
Question arises what does the covid-19 do to a human body. It targets type 2 pneumocyte which has this receptor ACE (angiostensin converting enzyme), this is a receptor responsible to cause high blood pressure. Corona virus targeted this ACE protien to make a little bunch of replicated cells then these tiny cells die, which is now the start of an inflammatory process a lot of goings
I-L1 ,I-L2 so many factors then the body's immune system fight back. However when this immune system fails, alveoli then brings in fluid, with liquid pus and debree which responce immune modulators thus resulting in pneumothorax, which effect the lower lobe of the lung first then the middle lobe and lastly the upper lobe, it infected the entire lung.
It is evident from the above findings that the corona virus kills the pneumocyte cells of the lungs. Depending on an individual immune system the virus triggers, difficulty in breathing, shortness of breath, resulting in less or no exchange of gases which may lead to cabonmonoxide toxicity in blood results in causing death.
Refference : Dr Duc Voung.
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