There is a reason that this information has been censored, ask yourself that question, why it has been censored? There is all sorts of information, that you need to know, the truth has to come out because if we don't allow the truth to come out, then in the next two weeks, THEY WILL GET THEIR AGENDA GOING....why doesn't the mainstream media talk about this? we want the truth, NO MORE!!! we want the world to be what the world is meant to be, which is beautiful, abundant place; Not this fear mongering garbage that they are putting out.

If there's something of this importance that has come out and nobody is talking about it, the media is not talking about then you have to ask yourself what is going on? why they are not covering something so critical?
"I think it's important to know that people are scared, people are anxious; they need to know that, there is a larger plan, A hidden agenda by those powers who want to control the economy." When Dr. Jerome Adam 20th Surgeon General of US of America, made this announcement, why was not the mainstream media covering it?
Every major broadcasting station out there covering it? and there is a reason why they were not covering it. I think what the reason is that, instead of covering this what they covered. "social distancing measures may be necessory until 2022 to contain coronavirus pandemic, study shows."
This is the misinformation, from taking the real information that's empowering and trying to scare more people, to try to make you paralysed by trying to take away your power, your autonomy.
This was just released; it's actually about the Surgeon General.
It's says "In a stunning turn of events, major plans to re-open, U.S. Surgeon General dumps Gates' predictive contagion model."So they're basically taking the contagion model and they've dumped it.
Wasington DC- In a stunning turn of events, Surgeon General Jerome Adams explained in an interview on live XM radio, that the Coronavirus Task Force has, effectively dumped, the Bill Gates
the Centres for the Disease Control and the World Health Organization predictive contagion model, and is now working with the real data. He explained on Sirus XM's Breitbart News host Alex Marlow that given new data, businesses will begin to re-open as early as May, others in June.
As early as may but we are already open and we are going to coninue to be open. This runs contrary to the out-and-out fear mongering of Dr. Fauci and Bill Gates, who have made media tour, threatening the public that businesses may not re-open for 6 months to 1 year, or until and unless the governments purchased their conveniently patented, big-pharma vaccinations.
According to Adams, "what American people need to know is we actually have data and so,we're tracking that data. before this about-face, which appears to have come as an order from the Trump administration in consultation with the findings of Dr.Adams, the task force was working with 'predictive models', which have been created by the Bill Gates' dominated World Health Organization and the Centre of the Disease Control has been critisized in the past for its for -profit motive in the handling of ranges of illnesses from HIV to H1N1."
So interestingly now is the momentum! that everything we've been
saying, everything that the other doctors have been saying, the ones that have not been fear-mongering, the once that are saying fear mongering is staying in your houses! that's the kind of lame that they just; I can't even justify them because if they had any scientific integrity or if they had one freaking synapse, meaning that they were one short neuron of a synapse. They would've never said that because every thing they were saying was not based on science!
So this is a fantastic news for the country! it's a fantastic news for the world and for the rest of the people-out there that had their heads so far up in to you know what, tell them they should never, ever, allow themselves to be fear motivated like this. The truth is the truth and to jade it with misinformation and the hype that the media has put out there and Fauci's model and Gates' model...this is so exciting,
I am not going to keep on blaiming the point, but pass this on, pay it forward, let the world know this is happening!!!!.

There is a reason that this information has been censored, ask yourself that question, why it has been censored? There is all sorts of information, that you need to know, the truth has to come out because if we don't allow the truth to come out, then in the next two weeks, THEY WILL GET THEIR AGENDA GOING....why doesn't the mainstream media talk about this? we want the truth, NO MORE!!! we want the world to be what the world is meant to be, which is beautiful, abundant place; Not this fear mongering garbage that they are putting out.

If there's something of this importance that has come out and nobody is talking about it, the media is not talking about then you have to ask yourself what is going on? why they are not covering something so critical?
"I think it's important to know that people are scared, people are anxious; they need to know that, there is a larger plan, A hidden agenda by those powers who want to control the economy." When Dr. Jerome Adam 20th Surgeon General of US of America, made this announcement, why was not the mainstream media covering it?
Every major broadcasting station out there covering it? and there is a reason why they were not covering it. I think what the reason is that, instead of covering this what they covered. "social distancing measures may be necessory until 2022 to contain coronavirus pandemic, study shows."
This is the misinformation, from taking the real information that's empowering and trying to scare more people, to try to make you paralysed by trying to take away your power, your autonomy.
This was just released; it's actually about the Surgeon General.
It's says "In a stunning turn of events, major plans to re-open, U.S. Surgeon General dumps Gates' predictive contagion model."So they're basically taking the contagion model and they've dumped it.
Wasington DC- In a stunning turn of events, Surgeon General Jerome Adams explained in an interview on live XM radio, that the Coronavirus Task Force has, effectively dumped, the Bill Gates
the Centres for the Disease Control and the World Health Organization predictive contagion model, and is now working with the real data. He explained on Sirus XM's Breitbart News host Alex Marlow that given new data, businesses will begin to re-open as early as May, others in June.

As early as may but we are already open and we are going to coninue to be open. This runs contrary to the out-and-out fear mongering of Dr. Fauci and Bill Gates, who have made media tour, threatening the public that businesses may not re-open for 6 months to 1 year, or until and unless the governments purchased their conveniently patented, big-pharma vaccinations.
According to Adams, "what American people need to know is we actually have data and so,we're tracking that data. before this about-face, which appears to have come as an order from the Trump administration in consultation with the findings of Dr.Adams, the task force was working with 'predictive models', which have been created by the Bill Gates' dominated World Health Organization and the Centre of the Disease Control has been critisized in the past for its for -profit motive in the handling of ranges of illnesses from HIV to H1N1."
So interestingly now is the momentum! that everything we've been
saying, everything that the other doctors have been saying, the ones that have not been fear-mongering, the once that are saying fear mongering is staying in your houses! that's the kind of lame that they just; I can't even justify them because if they had any scientific integrity or if they had one freaking synapse, meaning that they were one short neuron of a synapse. They would've never said that because every thing they were saying was not based on science!
So this is a fantastic news for the country! it's a fantastic news for the world and for the rest of the people-out there that had their heads so far up in to you know what, tell them they should never, ever, allow themselves to be fear motivated like this. The truth is the truth and to jade it with misinformation and the hype that the media has put out there and Fauci's model and Gates' model...this is so exciting,
I am not going to keep on blaiming the point, but pass this on, pay it forward, let the world know this is happening!!!!.
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