Why China has recovered from Covid-19 so quickly while the rest of the world is struggling?

I just want to share an article of a chinese girl, she has experienced it two months ago and this might help you understand why China would recover from the Covid-19 so quickly.
She lives in Kunming, which is 1, 558 kilometers away from Wuhan. In January, the official number of people infected in Kunming was around 50. She lives with her parents, and her grandparents lives in the same area but in a different place. On January 29, her grandfather told her mom that he had a fever. Suspecting it might be the coronavirus, he was taken to the hospital, as the family was expecting it might be covid-19 he was immediately isolated, and later send back home later. On second day, around 9:00 pm, some people wearing protective clothing came to their house and told them that all the members of the family have to be isolated too, because they could be infected(note that at that time the doctors were not sure that their grandfather did have the virus.)
According to the govt health team , the isolation was mandatory and if the family insist to stay at home, they’ll have to seal the whole building, just as what the government do with the real corona virus patients. All the family members were transfered to a hotel, one person in one room, with three meals Delivered to them in their room . During this time, in the hospital, their grandpa did the nuclei acid test for three times, and some medication was given to him. In fact, First nuclei acid test was negative and grandpa’s temperature was normal on the second day, but according to the government, all three tests were mandatory.
The most important thing is, all expenses, both in the hospital and in the hotel, were free. Even their dog, which was transferred to a pet shop, was looked after for free during their isolation.
Finally, the doctors confirmed that their grandpa just had a normal fever. The point is, because the government guaranteed them its free to go to the hospital and all of them feel a strong sense of responsibility for not letting the virus spread, They believe the government and go get tested.
Indeed it’s impossible for the government to make no mistakes, but the key is how they make up for it.
In fact, when they were asked to be isolated, they were not “pointed by guns” and they didn’t feel their liberty was violated, or say, “sacrificed” their freedom, something like that. Just like anyone who now comes back to China will have to be isolated for 14 days, this action would not violate their freedom.
I’m very surprised that more and more people get to see this answer. And I want to say a little more about it.WHY NUMBER OF NEW DEATHS DECREASES IN CHINA?
As mentioned above it,s government's effort and loyalty to their people to save them from this pandaemic at any cost.
I believe most people in this world are innocent, good people. In fact, as the coronavirus figure in the US grows higher and higher, as far as I know, people around me take no pleasure hearing these news. After all, those are not just figures, they are real people. We really hope every country in this world could get through this quickly, Amen.

I just want to share an article of a chinese girl, she has experienced it two months ago and this might help you understand why China would recover from the Covid-19 so quickly.
She lives in Kunming, which is 1, 558 kilometers away from Wuhan. In January, the official number of people infected in Kunming was around 50. She lives with her parents, and her grandparents lives in the same area but in a different place. On January 29, her grandfather told her mom that he had a fever. Suspecting it might be the coronavirus, he was taken to the hospital, as the family was expecting it might be covid-19 he was immediately isolated, and later send back home later. On second day, around 9:00 pm, some people wearing protective clothing came to their house and told them that all the members of the family have to be isolated too, because they could be infected(note that at that time the doctors were not sure that their grandfather did have the virus.)
According to the govt health team , the isolation was mandatory and if the family insist to stay at home, they’ll have to seal the whole building, just as what the government do with the real corona virus patients. All the family members were transfered to a hotel, one person in one room, with three meals Delivered to them in their room . During this time, in the hospital, their grandpa did the nuclei acid test for three times, and some medication was given to him. In fact, First nuclei acid test was negative and grandpa’s temperature was normal on the second day, but according to the government, all three tests were mandatory.
The most important thing is, all expenses, both in the hospital and in the hotel, were free. Even their dog, which was transferred to a pet shop, was looked after for free during their isolation.
Finally, the doctors confirmed that their grandpa just had a normal fever. The point is, because the government guaranteed them its free to go to the hospital and all of them feel a strong sense of responsibility for not letting the virus spread, They believe the government and go get tested.
Indeed it’s impossible for the government to make no mistakes, but the key is how they make up for it.
In fact, when they were asked to be isolated, they were not “pointed by guns” and they didn’t feel their liberty was violated, or say, “sacrificed” their freedom, something like that. Just like anyone who now comes back to China will have to be isolated for 14 days, this action would not violate their freedom.
I’m very surprised that more and more people get to see this answer. And I want to say a little more about it.WHY NUMBER OF NEW DEATHS DECREASES IN CHINA?
As mentioned above it,s government's effort and loyalty to their people to save them from this pandaemic at any cost.
I believe most people in this world are innocent, good people. In fact, as the coronavirus figure in the US grows higher and higher, as far as I know, people around me take no pleasure hearing these news. After all, those are not just figures, they are real people. We really hope every country in this world could get through this quickly, Amen.
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