How to protect yourself from Covid-19, new research covid-19, 2020

COVID-19 research 2020

There  are so many scientists in the world, struggling day and night to invent a new vaccine for Covid-19, many researches are in progress. Every single day we find a new development in research, but still the progress is getting longer and it takes a longer process only to publish a research paper. But for the knowledge and care  of a common man, I am writing this article.

 IMMUNE SYSTEM  in our body or DEFENSIVE  MECHANISM of the body,  our Lungs do have a defensive system to protect itself from, attacking virus, bacteria or fungi. The secretion inside the lung which is the mucus, lungs itself does not allow the secretion to accumulate inside the surface of alveoli. 

Lungs does not allow germs or particles to stay inside, there are small threads or brush like projection called CILIA, present in the superficial  lining of alveoli, these ciliary movements pushes out  these secretions, germs or particles, with the help of brushing out process, and this process continues always.

This defence mechanism is called MUCO-CILIARY DEFENCE MECHANISM, or  MUCO-CILIARY CLEARANCE MECHANISM, or MUCO-CILIARY ESCALATOR, when this system works perfectly, our body can defend many dangers or attacks, and  whenever  this system becomes weaker, then smallest germ could go inside the lungs and attack this defensive mechanism and muco-ciliary movement fails to protect against bacteria or viruses, resulting in, infection to occur. 

Because of this system, a lot of people defend COVID-19. While those who have severe symptoms, their MUCO-CILIARY mechanism  is weak, they catch the virus very easily and severely get infected. 

Covid-19 does not have the ability to walk around like bacterias they can move one place to the other. It settles (and multiply) where it goes with the help of the portal routes of our body. 
Now the Question arises why these CILIA  become weak? 
Because of this ciliary strength, some people showed mild symptoms, these cilia are getting weak because of smoking and age related. We found out that during old age folic acid is deficient. 

A vitamin FOLIC ACID  helps in building these CILIA , in case of folic acid deficiency these cilia become weaker and even break into particles. So one should start folic acid to repair these cilia 5 mg daily, it will take 2-3 weeks to repair it.

If anyone has got infected by Covid-19, and if phlegm is present in the throat then cough it out or spit it out right away, take steam inhalation to clear the passage of trachea.

This is the best possible way to protect yourself from covid-19. Wash your hands again and again.Take folic acid if necessary, and wear a mask when you go out as a precautionary measure. 
